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                                                  January 12, 1942
Memorandum for The President
     There are submitted herewith for your formal approval Joint Agreements reached by the
United States - British Chief of Staffs on the subjects indicated:
     (a ) "American-British Strategy" (U.S. Serial ABC - 4/CS-1; British Serial W.W.1-
     (b ) "Supporting ideasures for the South West Pacific (The Far East and Adjacent          Regions) Until Sstablishment of Unified Command"  (U.S. ABC-4/3;
          British W.W. 4).   Agreement reached 31 December 1941.
     (c ) "Establishment of United States Forces in North Ireland" (U.S. Serial. ABC-4/7;
          British Serial.W. W. 12).  Agreement reached 11 January 1942.
/s/G.C. MARSHALL                   /s/H.R. STARK
General, U.S. Army                 Admiral, U.S. Navy
Chief of Staff                     Chief of Naval Operations
/s/H.H. ARNOLD                /s/E.J. KING
Lt. General, U.S. Army             Admiral, U.S. Navy
Chief of Army Air Forces           Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Fleet
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