Fog set in at 0809 and lifted at 0823. Came to anchor at 0955 in
Apponaganset Bay in 4 fathoms of water. The President' s Naval Aide,
Captain Beardall, took a ship's boat to the Yacht Club Landing at
South Dartmouth, Mass., and brought off the following guests of the
H.R.H. Crown Princess Martha of Norway
Prince Karl of Sweden
Prince Harold
Princess Ragnhild
Princess Astrid
Madame Ostgaard (Lady in Waiting)
Mr. Wedell Yarlsburg (King's Chamberlain)
At 1050 POTOMAC and CALYPSO underway and at 111l anchored off
Negro Ledge in Buzzards Bay in 5 fathoms of water. During the rest
of the morning and during the afternoon POTOMAC shifted anchorage on
several occasions in search of good fishing grounds During the
afternoon the President and various members of his party and guests
engaged in bottom fishing from the stern of POTOMAC, with some luck.
At 1935 the POTOMAC anchored off South Dartmouth. At 1950
the President left the POTOMAC at the wheel of a Kris-Kraft speedboat
and landed the following guests a the Yacht Club Landing: H.R.H.
Crown Princess Martha of Norway, Princess Fmgnhild and Princess Astrid.
Other guests were landed in CALYPSO's boat.
The Presidential detachment got underway shortly after the
President's return and at 2223 anchored in Menemsha Bight, Vineyard
Sound, Mass. Following ships present: