ship's boat to fish in nearby waters, accompanied by several members of
his party and by his son, Ensign Franklin D. Roosevelt, Yr., U.S.N.R.,
(U.S.S. MAYRANT), who had come on board AUGUSTA shortly before noon.
Some fish were caught, mainly small cod and a few flounder. It was
reported later, on good authority, that these fish were wormy and
their edibility questionable. During the afternoon the President
cruised close along the shore, inspecting the waterfront and the
Argentia Base development. On return to the AUGUSTA the President
held a conference with the Nilitary and Naval members of his party.
After this conference the fellowing officers from TUSCAL00SA remained
on board for dinner as guests of the President:
Major General Henry H. Arneld, U.S.A.
Major General James H. Burns, U.S.a..
Rear Admiral Richmond K. Turner, U.S.N
Commander Forrest ?. Sherman, U.S.N.
Lt. Colonel Charles W. Bundy, U.S.A.
A motion picture, "The Shepherd of the Hills," was shown on
deck after dinner, but the President did not attend. Ships present
darkened ship at 2200.
Friday 8 August
During the forenoon Brigadier General Harms, U.S.A., and
Captain Elliot Roosevelt, U.S.A. (A.C.R.), flew down from Gander Lake
and came on board to call on the President. Ensign Reosevelt and
Captain Roosevelt were assigned additional duty as Aides te the