The requirements of certain raw materials, such as: coal, oil, timber, are likely to be so important that it might be well justified to have special Executives dealing exclusively with these products. Also certain groups of supplies, such as for example wheat, sugar, etc., which are grouped under the heading of Food may require special Executives such as wheat, sugar, etc. This can be worked out as and when necessary. Such an organization should necessarily be in close touch with the Economic Warfare organization, as it is clear that the programmes of purchases of the Executive Committee will be very often influenced by the necessities of Economic Warfare, while the existence of the Committees and of their joint purchasing organizations will in many cases assist the action of the Economic Warfare. On the model of what was created in the last war, the Councils could be composed of the respective English and French Ministers and would deal only with questions of broad policy, and would issue general directions to their Permanent Executive Committees. The Permanent Executive Committees would be constituted by a few technicians of both countries; their duty would be: a) to establish and keep an inventory of the resources and requirements of both countries, b) to secure the best utilization in the common interest of the resources of the two countries in raw material, means of production, etc., c) on the basis of the national programmes communicated to them by their respective national Administrations, to formulate the joint allied import programmes, d) to organize the purchases to be made in common abroad through single purchasing agencies, |