e) to follow the execution of these programmes. The principle of purchases being made for joint account through single agents in the various foreign countries seems to be of paramount importance, but probably nowhere will prove more essential than in the United States. In this connection you will remember the explanations I have given you about the precautions to observe and the methods to follow when France and England will be able to purchase war material in the United States, particularly aviation material. In many countries the establishment of joint purchases might also lead to the joint purchasing organization becoming the agent of neutral countries for their own purchases, with the result that the allied purchasing organization would thus become the principal factor in many markets and, in certain cases, the only purchaser of certain products. Such a situation would give the Allies among other advantages a great power in influencing prices and conditions of credit. Distinct from the executives which deal with the programme of needs, the task of the shipping Council and Executive would be to arrange for the transportation of the supplies to be imported under the joint programmes. So as to coordinate the work of the various Councils and Committees, there might be a small Economic War Council which might be constituted by a member of the British Government and one of the French Government. To this Council, which would meet when needed, would be referred problems such as those which would arise if a shortage of maritime transport facilities or of means of foreign exchange made it necessary to curtail the joint programmes or to establish priorities |