Page 4 No. 230 Earliest date on which forces could be concentrated on Turkish Frontier, Z plus 2-1/2 months. Earliest date on which force could reach Syrian Frontier. Turkey acquiescent Z plus 4-3/4 months. Turkey resistance incalculable. (C) Invasion of British Isles. Land force required: 30 divisions (including 9 armoured), exclusive of Divisions required for diversion. Air Force required: - Full first line strength, denuding all other theatres of war. Naval forces required: - Substantially the whole German Navy would be involved. Earliest date by which force could be concentrated in west. Z plus 3 to 4 months. (D) Operations in Central and Western Mediterranean. (i) Through Iberian Peninsula against Gibraltar and French North Africa. Land and Air Forces required - since these operations only likely to be contemplated by Germans to fore- stall or counter Allied action, they would have to employ such forces as they could muster at the time. Timing would similar- ly depend on the state of affairs then existing. (ii) Through North African ports against Egypt from west possibly in conjunction with an attack through Turkey. Land force required - 7 divisions made up say as follows: - 2 German armoured divisions, 1 German motorised division; 1 Italian armoured division, 1 Italian motorised division, 2 Italian in- fantry divisions. Assuming of Axis forces now in Libya, equivalent of 1 ar- mour, 1 motorised and 2 infantry division will still be in area. These are included in above. Air Force required - the force set out in sub paragraph (B) above would cover this operation. Earliest date by which force in TRIPOLITANIA could be reinforced. Not using Tunisian ports - 3 months from date of embarkation. Using Tunisian ports - 1-1/2 months from date of embarkation. 14. Above, putting into terms of CALENDAR and assuming 15th February as earliest date on which substantial force can be withdrawn from Russia, gives earliest date for stage referred to above as follows: - (a) l. Earliest date of concentration on the south Russian sector 1st 1May. 2. Fall of Rostov 15th May. 3. Occupation of MAIKOP-TUAPSE area 15th June to 30th |