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               M E M 0 R A N D U M
     No news or information is being received by the
Governor General of the Netherlands Indies as Commander
in Chief, from American Head Quarters.
     The Governor General is of the opinion that for a
successful prosecution of the war it is most essential
that the front in South East Asia should strongly be
maintained. The fall of strongholds in Malacca, the
Philippine Islands Netherlands Indies, mandated ter-
ritories, New Zealand and Australia, would not only
cause a considerable protraction of the war but would
also make the final outcome doubtful.
     It is therefore essential that not only the
closest military collaboration and coordination should
exist between the participants in thst theatre of war,
but also adequate s nd prompt measures should be taken
in order to secure the quickest possible supply of war
materials to these fighting fronts. If this is not
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