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done with sufficient expediency the situation may arise
that the fighting forces in Malacca, the Philippines
and Netherlands Indies have exhausted the available
supplies and that fully trained personnel is doomed to
inactivity because they have no weapons to fight with.
Japan, on the contrary, is at least for the present in
a position to ship the necessary war materials and other
supplies to its fighting forces in these regions.
      It is therefore of the greatest importance that,
apart from the dispatch of Areericson naval and air forces,
the supply of war materials to the areas in question
should be intensified and accelerated to the utmost.
    The Netherlands Indies Government ie doing its
utmost in order to maintain ship connections with the
United States of America and to continue the delivery
of strategic materials to this country. With a view
thereto it is essential to be informed of the system
of American protection of merchant vessels on the
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