Text Version

19.  Occupation of the AZORES with PORTUGAL's consent will probably invite unfavorable
political repercussions in SPAIN.
20.  The utilization of air and naval bases in the AZORES will contribute materially to meeting
the U-boat threat by providing VLR land-based aircraft cover for the presently uncovered areas
of the central north ATLANTIC.
21.  The UNITED STATES should proceed immediately to prepare a forco to seize the
AZORES in the face of armed resistance.
22.  If the negotiations for a peaceful entry fail, the UNITED STATES should proceed at once
to occupy the AZORES and establish air and naval bases thereon required to meet the submarine
23.  If permission is granted for a peaceful occupation, the required construction and garrison
forces should be immediately dispatched to prepare and secure the necessary air and naval bases
in the AZORES.
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