The distribution of supplies inItaly will be made under the control of the Army but principally by the War Relief Services of the National Catholic Welfare Conference through its Church organizations in the area in question. Monsignor Carroll (American) has established an office in Naples, to supervise relief activies by the Church. The Quakers also have sought opportunity to participate. All of these agencies however are inadequately supplied for present and certainly for the furture needs of the population, particularly as the area of occupation expands. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration at present: a. Have no funds. b. Have no directive permitting the distribution of relief in Italy as an enemy country, or now as a co-belligerent, or ultimately if it becomes an Ally. UNRRA plan a meeting in June at which it is said the scope of their ativities may be increased. All of the problems of relief, refugees and migration are nessarily so intimately related and interwoven that several agencies acting separately are bound to creat conflict, duplication and waste. UNRRA has been chartered on a United Nations basis, to finance and work in the field. I assume that rehabilitation means more the rehabilitation of men, women, and children than it does the building of plants and otehr properties, whcih if undertaken would run into vast figures and an unpredictable lenght of time. UNRRA has no adequate distributing organization, past experience, or staff to conduct the proposed activities on the scale which will result before and |