COPY Legazione del Sovrano Mititare ORDINE DI MALTA Presso La S. Sede Rome, September 23rd 1944. Excellency, As His Highness the Grand Master was temporarily absent from Rome, I informed him at once by letter on the 19th inst. of the meeting that had taken place on that same day, following your invitation, of the various Chiefs of Mission of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, in ou informed us of the founding of the "Ente Nazionale dei So His Highness returned yesterday to Rome, and he asked me to express to you all his admiration and deep appreciation for your special interest in this matter, and the understanding you have shown of the moral and material needs of the Italian people so hardly tried. The Grand Master has charged me likewise to hand to your Excellency the enclosed cheque of 500.000, lire as a contribution stated by the Counsel of the Sovereign rder of Malta in fayour of the "Ente Nazionale dei Soccorsi" The International Order, as you already Know, has its national organisations in the various countries: the Italian branch of the Order has done and is doing its utmost to alleviate the difficulties and suffering caused by the war. Every possible kind of assistance is being given through its hospitals, first-aid posts, nursing-homes, hospitals- trains, including personal assistance to refugees. On this occasion I wish to convey to your Excellency the sincerest gratitude of H.H. the Grand Master Prince Chigi Albani for the valuable help given by the Civilian War Relief of the American Red Cross to our Order with the large consignements of clothing, food and medical supplies. This help was especially useful during the months preceding the entry of the Allied troops in Rome, when the Sovereign Order was thus able to alleviate the suffering in Southern Italy, especially in Naples through our various charitable institutions that are there. I am... |