J CCSs-5. DECEMBER 29, 1941 SUBJECTS DISCUSSED 1. Priorities for United States and United Kingdom Overseas Expeditions in the Atlantic Ocean. 2. American-British Strategy (British WW-l). (Action deferred). 3. Northwest Africa Project (U.S. ABC-4/2), (British WW (J.P.C.) 2). (Action deferred). 4. Supporting Measures for the Southwest Pacific. (U. S.) (British WW (J.P.G.) 3). (Action deferred). 5. Unity of Command in the Southwestern Pacific Theater. 6. Proposed Communication to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek. ANNEX 1: Priprities for United States and United Kingdom Overseas Expeditions in the Atlantic Ocean. (Report by Joint Planning Committee) APPROVED DOCUMENT ABC-4/1 British WW-5 British WW (J.P.G.) 1 ANNEX 2: Proposed Method of Handling Matters Concerning the ~guthwest Pacific Theater. ANNEX 3: Memorandum for the President' Draft of Me,~sa~e to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek. |