JCCSs-6 .DECEMBER 30, 1941, SUBJECTS DISCUSSED 1. Higher Direction of War in the ABDA Area. 2. Draft Directire to the Supreme Commander in the ABDA Area. 3. Next Meeting to consider: a. Northwest Africa Project (U S. ABC-4/2): (Bpitish WW (J.P.C) 2) b. Supporting Measures for the Southwestern Pacific (U. S, ABC-4/3):, (BriSish WW (J.P.C.) 3) ANNEX 1: Letter (Mr. Hopkins to Admiral Stark enclosing Proposed Method of Handling Matters concerning the Southwest pacific Theater. ANNEX 2: In Two Parts: Part I Memorandum For the President Higher Direcion of War in the AB.D.A. Area. Part II- Higher Direction of War in the ABDA Area. ANNEX 3: Draft Directive to the Supreme Commander in the ABDA Area. u.s. ABC-4/,5 British WW-3 Annex 1 to ANNEX 3: Boundaries of ABDA ,Area. Annex 2 to ANNEX 3: Higher Direction of War in the ABDA Area. - 6 - |