TELEGRAM SENT DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON -2- and control by observers appointed by the American and Canadian Governments and attached to their respec- tive consulates. 3. The Islands shall be neutralized and de- militarized and shall be considered out of the war. 4. The present Administrator shall be withdrawn for the period of the war; the appointment of an Ad- ministrator shall be withheld for the same period, and the administration of the islands shall be left in the hands of the Consultative Council. 5. All armed forces will be withdrawn. 6. The Canadian and American Governments agree and undertake to continue economic assistance to the inhabitants of the islands and the respective consuls of those countries will confer with the local authori- ties as to the nature of the assistance to be given. UNQUOTE This formula is in conformity with the commitments given by this Government. We fully realize the concern and anxiety of the French Government in maintaining the integrity of its colonial |