TELEGRAM SENT DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON possessions. We feel that the formula submitted, with its guarantee that the islands shall remain French, and with the undertaking to continue economic assistance to St. Pierre and Miquelon, will fully safeguard the French Government's concern about these islands during the war. You should see Marshall Petain at the earliest possible moment and impress upon him the importance of reaching a solution along these lines which maintains the purely French tradition of these islands for the future. You may, in your discretion, point out that time is of the essence, since the longer the matter remains in its present status the more likely it is to become crystallized and the more difficult it will be to bring about a satisfactory solution. We have shown this telegram to the Canadian and British Governments and it has their full concurrence. Until we receive an expression of opinion from the French Government regarding this formula, the matter will not be discussed with Admiral Robert or the French Ambassador. S: CH PA/D Le Eu . |