CJ This telegram must be DANZIG closely paraphrased be- fore being communicated Dated September 6, 1939 to anyone. (A) Rec'd 6:30 a.m., 7th Secretary of State, Washington. September 6, 4 p.m. There began in Danzig at about 4:45 morning of September 1st, bombardment by German naval vessel SCHLESWIG HOLSTEIN of Polish munitions depot at Westerplatte at entrance to harbor and bombardment continued intermittently during the day. Depot was bombarded the following day by German airplanes but up to the present time Poles have not surrendered. Inhabitants of Newfahrwasser were evacuated early morning of second in anticipation of aerial bombardment and some houses there demolished by concussion. Sixth Polish contingent in Danzig was able to hold out until late afternoon September 1 but owing to a sudden seizure of main railway station in Danzig Poles there were not in a position to put up resistance. Gdynia has not yet been taken nor has Hel Peninsula and fighting still continues just beyond Zoppot but on Polish territory. All Americans safe. KUYKENDALL DDM:CSB |