CJ This telegram must be BERLIN closely paraphrased be- fore being communicated Dated September 7, 1939 to anyone. (D) Rec'd 10:38 a.m., Secretary of State, Washington. 1114, September 7, 10 a.m. The Italian Ambassador here has given me the following account of the last moment efforts of Mussoli to avoid war: As a culmination of the Italian efforts towards a peaceful solution of the German-Polish controversy (see my 932, August 27, 3 p.m.) Mussolini on the evening of August 31st proposed a conference. France and England agreed to this step and the German Government declared that it was not averse thereto but requested twenty-four hours in which to consider. Hostilities commenced early on the following morning and Mussolini proceeded no further as the matter seemed hopeless. The French Government however expressed itself in favor of a continuation of the Mussolini plan and negotiations were renewed. It was at that moment however that England decided to demand the withdrawl of German troops from Polish soil, a demand which the Ambassador characterized as unprecedented and all further negotiations were futile. |