-2- tables include: a. status of vegetable crops at the end of April 1941; b. final figures for the cereal crop of 1940; c. slaughtering and meat supply statistics in March 1941. 3. The most important points are stated in brief, below, according to the official reports on the requirements and future capacity of agriculture: a. In agreement with the Office of the Price Com- missioner, the Reich Ministry of Food and the Reich Food Office will undertake to raise.prices for the fiscal cur- rent year, in the interest of further and more rapid increase in agricultural production. This applies to the production of both cereals and feeding-stuffs, and also to the main branches of the cattle business. A further stimulus to agriculture, in addition to this direct raising of prices, is also said to be aimed at by having the prices of manufactured goods which are directly necessary for carrying on farming operations: farm machinery, tools, etc., lowered within the frame- work of the general scheme for diminution of profits and reduction of prices. B.After the releasing of the quotas for the machine industry, technical agricultural apparatus, machinery and other |