PAP LONDON This telegram must be closely paraphrased be- Dated August 25, 1939 fore being communicated to anyone. (A) Rec'd 2:50 p.m. Secretary of State Washington 1254, August 25, 7 p.m. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL The Turkish Charge d'Affaires Mr. Kadri Rizan has in- formed the Embassy in confidence that he has received following circumstantial information regarding secret annexes of the German-Soviet pact which came from trustworthy sources but which naturally he states with "complete reserve": (one) Russia is given a free hand against Japan in the Far East. (two) Probable partition of Poland and recognition of the special interests of Soviet Russia in the Baltic states: in effect a return to the Russian-German border of 1914. (three) Territorial advantages to Turkey at the ex- pense of Bulgaria and a kind of subprotectorate for Turkey over whatever is left of Bulgaria. (four) Division of the Balkans into spheres of in- fluence between Germany and Russia, the German sphere to include Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Greece, the Russian sphere Rumania and Bulgaria. Any |