CONSIDERATIONS RELATIVE TO THE PROPOSED GERMAN COTTON DEAL 1. The plan would seriously endanger our trade agreements program. 2. If we enter into a special preferential arrangement of this character, other cotton export countries, like Brazil, will be compelled to seek similar preferential arrangements in the German market. Brazil has already expressed grave concern with regard to this proposal. 3. If German fertilizer is given preferential treatment in our market, such as thls plan would orovlde, Chile would be compelled to dump nltrates in our market. Representatlons to this effect have already been made by the Chilean Ambassador. Will we be able to apply the antidumping law against Chile while admitting German fertilizer at prices below the offiolal reichsmark rate? 4. The plan would discriminate against other gold standard countries and given special preference to German exports to the United States through the sale of reichsmarks at a discount. If we seek and grant preferential treatment, can we seek equality of treatment for our commerce and nationals from other countries? 5. The proposed plan is a device to undo, in part, the devaluation of the dollar. 6. The sale of German marks at a considerable discount is likely to exert a depressional Influence on American |