-2- American prices and seriously affect those American industries which would be subjected, under this plan, to sharp German competition. 7. On top of her gross discrimination of American nationals, this deal would make a very good trade bargain for Germany, but with little gain and large risks for the United States. 8. There is no assurance that the suggested 800,000 bales can, under the proposed plan, be sold to Germany, since cotton exporters might not, in fact, be able to get dollar exchange. 9. It should be noted also that even though the plan does not break down, there is no assurance that American cotton exporters will not be forced to sell cotton at a loss. 10. Attention should, moreover, be called to the fact that the United States Government, through the Export-Import Bank, stands to suffer what may amount to substantial losses. 11. If this plan goes through, would the Treasury be able to apply the anti-dumping law to similar deals privately arranged and privately financed? 12. The proposed plan is almost certain to engender extreme resentment among that large section of the American public which is violently opposed to the Hitler regime. A-S/T:AHH:BLC |