-6- Mr. Eden had declared that England would go to war, if necessary to defend (1) the integrity of the British Empire, (2) France and Belgium if they were uictims of unprovoked aggression, (3) Egypt, that meant the Suez Canal, (4) Iraq. England would necessarily hegard problems elsewhere as matters of concern because in tha nature of things the risk of war anywhere affected everybody. But she had no military obligations or commitments except in these four places and Mr. Eden had made that clear at Leamington. Hitler stated that in regard to the nations of Eastern Europe, no difficulties were created by him. He was entirely in favour of the independence of the Czech and other peoples. If Lothian emphasised the nationality principle what had he to say to the claims of 3.7 million Germans "Czecho-Slovakia, to the Germans of Austria, and to those of Memel". He hoped that the Czech would appreciate the point of view expressed by Lord Lothian, They are trying to denationalise the Germans in that State, who suffer from severe discrimination. The oppression long ante-dated his coming to power. It went on years before that. It was unbearable. It may soon have to be recognised that it is unbearable. Just as Mr. Eden laid down, proceeded Hitler, that the independence of Belgium and Egypt was a matter of direct concern to England, so Germany had similar matters of direct concern in Europe. If Czecho-Slovakla continued as a "section" (Sektion) of the Russian State firrally to suppress the Germans in Czecho- Slovakia, Germany would have to say in the same sense as Baldwin once stated regarding the British frontier being the Rhine that the German frontier lay much further east than its present position Czecho-Slovakia is alone responsible for the unsatisfactory relations with Germany. Poland is friendly to us and would not allow her country to be an outpost of Russia. Another vital sphere is the Memel area. Conditions have improved there of late for the |