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to go back there. He was offered an identification card
on the part of the French Government which he accepted before
my letter reached him. He told me on the phone before he
left for Canada and the United States that he would be very
eager to come back to your suggestion which you so kindly made.
As regards the other gentleman, I got a letter from Professor
Tannhauser in Boston, who is his friend, telling rile that his
friend went to the American Consul in Berlin but was told that
they couldn't do anything for him. I wrote back to Professor
Tannhauser for details which I would then forward to you but I
have not had any reply although my letter has been sent to
Professor Tannhauser before I left for Holland. That is two
months ago.
As soon as I hear from him I will write to you again.
I hope the strain of the last months has not overtaxed
your health, and that events in Europe will leave you time to
have a holiday.
Please give my best wishes to Mrs. Messersmith.
Very cordially and respectfully yours,
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