-32- the Pope and international Catholicism but Christianity generally; and by her attitude towards the Jews, the Church, the established systems of common justice, and towards real democracy in general, she has injured the sensibilities of, and alienated, a country which might have stood her in good stead during her economic and financial difficulties - the United States. In the foregoing survey, an endeavor has been made to indicate the development of National Socialist foreign policy on the basis of certain major theories, and to leave the conclusions to be drawn from an outline of the successes and failures of its ambitious and aggressive program. If one might venture a prediction in the face of a mad scramble after "peace" through heavy armament for "self-defense" on a continent rendered tense by distrust and abnormal nationalism, it would be to say that for the immediate future there does not appear to be any vital force or combination of forces which will materially impede Germany in the pursuit of her ambitions. However, at least five possibilities must be considered in this connection. First, the very maintenance of high powered hair-triggered armament everywhere, although it is ostensibly for "peace" control, is in itself a constant explosive danger. Thus, the situation in |