0RGANIZTIONAL STRUCTURE OF STRENGTH THROUGH JOY Strength through Joy is a semi-autonomous division, called: Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freud, within the German Labor Front. Its supreme authority is a Reich, or national, Board composed of the heads of the various departments of Strength through Joy. Its regional structure follows that of the Labor Front which in turn reflects the regional divisions of the National Socialist Party. In each of the 32 Gaue (which composed Germany before the accession of Austria) there is a Gau Board of Strength through Joy headed by a Gauwart. The division is carried down further to the Kreis authorities (corresponding to the government administrative districts, or Kreise) and to the 0rtsverwaltung, or local authorities (corresponding to the small townships or sections of large cities): The Kreis and Ortsverwaltung authorities for Strength through Joy work in the local offices of the Labor Front and, depending upon the volume of work, sometimes also perform other duties for the Labor Front. The lowest but most important units of the organization are the innumerable Betriebswarte who serve in the individual factories as the points of contact between the mass of the workers and Strength through Joy activities. |