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 There are 708 Kreise, or sub-districts, in
the old Reich territory, and 20,326 Ortsverwaltungen. 
The Reich and Gau authorities are for the
most part paid permanent officials, as are also
certain lower officials charged with special dudies. 
Many of the Kreis workers and most of the
local helpers on the other hand serve in an honorary 
capacity, their work being credited to them as
service rendered the Party. The Betriebswarte receive 
no money from Strength through Joy but inas-
much as they are at the same time the representatives 
of the Labor Front in their factories they
are company-paid employees who devote most of their
time to the affairs of the Labor Front. The number
of paid officials in the Strength through Joy organization 
is given as 38,000 while the number of voluntary 
local workers, including the Betriebswarte,
totals 1,122,000. 
 The vertical organization as described above
is divided functionally into special offices, each
of which deals with a particular kind and sphere of
activity of Strength through Joy. The five sections
may be listed as follows:
(1) Office for Travel, Hiking and Vacation.
(2) Office for "Beauty of Work."
(3) Office for Sport.
(4) Office for Leisure Time.
(5) Office for Popular Education.
 Each of these offices has a large staff of 
officials in the central headquarters of the organization 
in Berlin. In addition there is an office
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