for press and propaganda matters. The regional, or Gau, offices of Strength through Joy are subdivided into these sections. Each district, or Kreis, office has a Referent, or special official, dealing with one or more of the five listed activities. The latter in turn give instructions to, and keep in touch with, the lower 0rtsverwaltung officials and the Betriebswarte in the individual factories. Salaries of the paid permanent officials of Strength through Joy are definitely very low, the younger unmarried officials receiving, for instance, between RM 200 and RM 250 per month. One of the writer's informants, a middle-aged married official with fairly advanced rank, stated that he was paid RM 550 per month. Most of the officials are National Socialist Party members of long standing who were given permanent employment with the Party after it came to power. Despite the comparatively low Salaries and the long hours of work frequently demanded of them, the great majority of these officials display a remarkable enthusiasm, particularly the younger (and less well paid) who, as has been found to be the case with many of the young Party Workers, seem to be inspired with some of the Messianic zeal of their leaders. |