obtains little profit therefrom as the travelers have not much money to spend for tips or extras. These disadvantages seem to make themselves less felt in the case of private families who receive occasional Strength through Joy boarders. Officials of the organization admit that at the beginning there arose many difficulties and misunderstandings. They state that now, however, arrangements better serving the mutual interests of all parties concerned have been worked out; and in particular that in big tourist centers certain days only have been set aside for Strength through Joy visits. They explain that Strength through Joy has thus limited its excursions to these more popular centers and is seeking, in so far as possible, to divert its traffic to less well-known but equally beautiful districts. They point to the success they have had in opening up the hitherto little visited district of the Erosland on the Dutch border. They claim, moreover, that they have rendered hotelkeepers generally a great service in prolonging the tourist season beyond its ordinary limits, inasmuch as the program of Strength through Joy excursionsextends from the beginning of May and lasts well into October. As regards other private individuals who work for Strength through Joy, the sport teachers, to name one category, feel that they more than earn |