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      ultimatum the Polish Government would certainly be unable to 
      discuss on such a basis, and (b) that in any case in the Polish 
      view matters such as the venue of the negotiations, the basis 
      on which they should be held and the individuals who should take 
      part in them should be discussed between the two governments.
      5. If negotiations are begun, His Majesty's Government in the 
      United Kingdom will at all times be glad if desired to lend any 
      assistance they can to achieve a just settlement.
      6. As regards an international guarantee, this matter will no 
      doubt have to be discussed at length. What His Majesty's Government 
      in the United Kingdom had in mind was a guarantee of the full 
      and proper observance of any settlement reached.
      7. Regarding Danzig, His Majesty' s Government entirely share 
      M. Beck's views as to the importance of establishing some modus 
      vivendi. They have already made a suggestion to this effect to 
      the German Government and will do so again. If the Germans agree, 
      they will approach M. Burckhardt.
      Please speak to The Polish Foreign Minister immediately in the 
      above sense.
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