Summary of telegram of August 3lst to His Majesty's Ambassador at Warsaw. 1. His Majesty's Government are gratified to learn that the Polish Ambassador in Berlin has been instructed to get into contact with the German Government. 2. His Majesty's Government fully agree as to the need for discussing detailed arrangements regarding the negotiations and as to the undesirability of M. Beck's visiting Berlin. 3. On the other hand, His Majesty's Government do not understand why the Polish Government should find it difficult to authorise N. Lipski to accept document from the Germans and they sincerely trust that they may feel able to amend their instructions in this matter. No ultimatum was mentioned in the report on the German proposals furnished to His Majesty's Government and the suggestion that the demand that Polish representative should be in Berlin by August 30th was equivalent to an ultimatum was definitely repudiated by German Foreign Minister in talking with Sir Nevile Henderson. If the document were to contain an ultimatum, Poland would naturally refuse to discuss it until ultimatum was withdrawn. On the other hand, for them to refuse to receive the proposal would arouse grave misunderstanding by outside opinion. 4. It would seem M. Lipski could surely be instructed to receive and forward the document and say (a) if it contained anything like the expected |