ENCLOSURE "B" OUTLINE PLAN FOR AN ANAKIM WITHIN AVAILABLE MEANS 1. Problem To prepare an outline plan for operations in BURMA during the next dry season (1943-44) within the capabilities of avail- able UNITED NATIONS forces and equipment. 2. Assumptions a. That air and ground forces cited, as "resources now in sight," at the NEW DELHI Conference, will be ready for the operations. b. That deficiencies found indispensable to mounting the operations as hereinafter set up will be within the fore- seeable capabilities of the UNITED NATIONS to provide without detracting from the earllast defeat of GERMANY. c. That the UNITED STATES will Create effective diversion in the PACIFIC. 3. Objective Provided Revised ANAKIM (Enclosure "A") is beyond UNITED NATIONS means, the objectives which are considered to be the minimum that can be accepted for the BURMA theater are: a. Maintain pressure on the Japanese forces in the area. b. Retain the initiative by such offensive action as will cause Japanese countermeasures and deny them freedom of action in BURMA. c. Insure that the means at hand are actively employed to best advantage to keep JAPAN from further expansion, and from consolidating and exploiting her current holdings in BURMA. d. Secure an area in upper BURMA that is suitable for the development of an all weather route between ASSAM and CHINA. - 16 - DECLASSIFIED JCS memo, 1-4-74 By RHP, NLP, Date FEB 19 1974 Enclosure "B" |