14. Installations and conditions influencing the operation. a. Port capacities. The following shows the rated capacity for the ports of the island: CANEA 200 tons per day SOUDA BAY area 1000 RETIM0 500 CANDIA* 550 KHERSONISOS 150 SAN NICOLA0 500 SITELA 100 IERAPETRA 100 TYMPAKI* 100 SAN GALENI* 100 PALIOKHORA 100 ------- Total 3400 tons per day Of this total, the assault should gain two or three ports with a probable combined capacity of 750 tons per day. It appears therefore that the bulk of the supplies and per- sonnel must be landed over the beaches. b. Beaches. The beaches appear to be sufficient for the planned operation. The beaches are exposed to a heavy surf during the rather infrequent gales and storms. c. Coastal defenses. Exact data on the coast defenses is not at hand. It is reasonable to assume thst all landing beaches are heavily protected by coast defense installations. d. Airfields. There are eight airdromes and a minimum of nine fighter strips on the island. Five of the fields are along *Indicates ports captured in the assault. -8- |