MEMORANDUM CONFERENCE AT THE KREMLIN ON JULY 30, 1941 6:30 TO 8:30 P.M. BETWEEN HARRY L. HOPKINS AND MR. STALIN ALSO PRESENT WERE AMBASSADOR STEINHAHDT AND MR. REINHARDT, AMERICAN INTERPRETER I told Mr. Stalin that I came as personal repre- sentative of the President. The President considered Hitler the enemy of mankind and that he therefore wished to aid the Soviet Union in its fight against Germany. I told him that my mission was not a diplomatic one in the sense that I did not propose any formal under- standing of any kind or character. I expressed to him the President's belief that the most important thing to be done in the world today was to defeat Hitler and Hitlerism. I impressed upon him the determination of the President and our Government to extend all possible aid to the Soviet Union at the earliest possible time. I told Mr. Stalin that I had certain personal mes- sages from the President and explained my relationship to the Admimistration in Washington. I told him further that I just left Mr. Churchill in London who wished me to convey to him the sentiments which I had already ex- pressed from the President. Mr. Stalin said he welcomed me to the Soviet Union; that he had already been informed of my visit. Describing Hitler and Germany, Mr. Stalin spoke of the necessity of there being a minimum moral standard between all nations and without such a minimum moral |