-9-#2897, May 24, midnight, from London.
ARTICLE I. In Virtue of the Alliance
established between them the High Contracting
Parties mutually undertake to afford one
another military and other assistance and support of all
kinds in the,war against Germany and all those
States which are associated with her in acts of
aggression in Europe.
ARTICLE II. --The High Contracting Parties
undertake not to Enter into any negotiations with
the Hitlerite Government or any other government
in Germany that does not clearly renounce all
aggressive intentions, and not to negotiate or
conclude except by mutual consent
any armistic or peace treaty with Germany or any other State associated with her in acts ,of
aggression in Europe.
ARTICLE III. -- (One) The High Contracting Parties declare their desire to associate them-
selves with other like-minded States in adopting proposals for common action to preserve peace
and resist
(Two) Pending