-10-#2897, May 24, midnight, from London
(Two) Pending the adoption of such proposals,
they will take all the measures in their power to
render impossible a repettion of aggression and
violation of the peace by Germany or any of the
States associated with her in acts of aggression
In Europe.
ARTICLE IV. --Should one of the High Con-
tracting Parties become involved in hostilities with
Germany or any of the States mentioned in Article
III (Two) in consequence of an attack by that State
against that Party, the other High Contracting Party
will at once give to the Contracting Party so involved in hostilities all the military and
other support and assistance in his power.
This Article shall remain in force until superseded by the adoption of the proposals con-
templated in Article III (ONE). In default of the adoption of such proposals, it shall remain in
force for a perlod of (20) years, and thereafter years, until terminated by either
High Contracting Party, as provided in Article III.
ARTICLE V. --The High Contracting Parties
agree to work together in close and firendly