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eastern zone be denied to the southern and northwestern zones, 
the United States and British Governments would be faced with 
the choice between delivering large quantities of foodstuffs 
from their own stores or allowing wholesale starvation.
B. Functions of Military Government
1. Security Measures
      The Department of State recommends the adoption of the follow-
ing policies with respect to immediate security measures:
      a. Demobilization and disbandment of the German armed forces, 
including para-military organizations.
      This recommendation would not exclude the detention of 
individuals and units of the Waffen SS and other Nazi military 
formations for security reasons or for employment in special 
services or for trial as war criminals.
     b. Dissolution and prohibition of all military and para-
military agencies including the General Staff, party military 
and quasi-military organizations, reserve corps, military acad-
emies and military training, civilian administrative units per-
forming purely military functions, together with all clubs and 
associations which serve to keep alive the military tradition in 
          c. Seizure and destruction of all German arms, ammunition
and implements of war.
     The recommendation for the destruction of these categories
of war material, which are in general not convertible to peace-
time purposes, is based on belief that the rearming of the 
European nations with surrendered German equipment would compli-
cate the problem of restoring political stability, render future 
general disarmament more difficult, tend to make the countries 
acquiring the equipment look to Germany and to German technicians 
for spare parts and replacements, and might inaugurate an arma-
ments race detrimental to the hopes for international peace and 
          d. Confiscation of military archives and military research 
facilities and vesting athority over them in the Control Council.
          e. Immediate prohibition on the manufacture of arms, ammuni-
tion and implements of war.
     f. Destruction of industrial plants and machinery incapable 
of conversion to peaceful uses.
                    g. Dismantlement
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