these trips. It is pointed out that Strength through Joy trains are always full; that old rolling stock is often used; and that a saving in train personnel, in particular conductors, is effected in the fact that the excursions are run and managed by Labor Front officials. It was intimated that the fare probably did not meet the capital and overhead charges involved but that this factor was adjusted from a "social" point of view in the general budget of the Reich Railways and was covered by the income from more profitable forms of traffic. It is the avowed purpose of the Strength through Joy to avoid prejudicing financially private enterprises by its activities. Abhorrence of an economic vacuum and the offer of a quick and steady turnover are the principles, it is claimed, which have rendered its work feasible and successful. In practice this means that if Strength through Joy needs autobusses for its excursions, it will approach a private owner and will ask him to hire, for a reduced price which will give him a small margin of profit, those busses which would otherwise remain idle. The same procedure is followed in the rent of hotel accommodations. It is stated that the offer of a specific number of guests for a determined period is especially attractive to inn keepers who |