may be off the beaten track or whose tourist seasons may have ended. While the standard rate of RM 2.50 per day will not assure them much profit, they may nevertheless count on having their houses full and their staffs employed for these periods and may moreover make money out of extras such as beer, wine and cigars, for which their guests must pay over and above the stipulated inclusive price. In the smaller places which Strength Through Joy frequents, prices are low and it is said that for the rate of RM 2.50 a day, food can be obtained superior to that to which many city workers are accustomed, more particularly as their tastes are modest and many of them are in the habit of even spending less than this amount at home. The hiring of accommodations and dealing with innkeepers is done on a local basis, that is to say, if the Berlin Gau office wishes to send excursionists to a small town in Bavaria, it will call upon the Strength Through Joy representative in or near that town to make the necessary arrangements. It is held that this plan minimizes risks which might befall organizers unacquainted with a particular locality and it is pointed out that it has the additional advantage of saving time in communication between guests and hotel and inn-keepers. |