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'                                 "We
getting additional United States destroyers. ADMIRAL STARK continued,
.just don't'have any destroyers to spare, and.in fact 'have far fewer
require for our own needs." The construction program, 'he Stated,
wasfarthest behind in destroyers, battleships, and patrol 'vessels. 'He
said that the s. itua~ion along American seacoasts, with regard to the
need for corvettes and other small patrol craft, is cr. itical. 'In
fact, it ,is desired that the Br. itish lend to the United States any
~vailable 'vessels suitable for coastal patrol work.
                  ADMIRAL. POUND then suggested that the whole question
of general N~val dispositions of the two Navies be discussed.
                  ADMIRALSTARK asked Admiral Pound what .importance 'he
attached to the Azores. ADMIRAL POUND stated that the Br. itish
attached tremendous importance to these Islands, particularly.if
6ibralter should become untenable.
                   "We need the Azores 'very much; they'have great
.importance from every
  He said,
  point of view." ADMIRAL POUND went on to say that the Cananies also
are im-
  portant; that they might be .iMv. ited to go .in the re.
                  ADMiRAL STARK then asked what .importance the British
attach to the Cape 'Verde 'Islands. ADMIRAL POUND replied that it was
only a.question of
denying them to the enemy, rather than their actual use by the British.
ADMIRAL KING then remarked that United 'States interest in the Cape
  Islands ,is strategic, because of their location between Dakar and
  He went on to say that "we can not do all these things"; the Bnitish
     take the responsib, ility for the Azores, and the United States
for the Cape Verde 'Islands.
                  ADMIRAL'STARK suggested that further study be given
to this question, to which ADMIRAL POUND agreed.
                  ADMIRAL STARK said that 'he felt it undesirable for
the United States to consider sending troops to Egypt or Libya. If the
Br. itish can continue there and clean up, it would automatically
protect Dakan~ and. at the same time 'Iran and 'Iraq would be of no
great concern. So far as West Afl:ica is concerned, the United'States
should fall in line with Bnitish action.
GENERAL MARSIULL read notes taken from a memorandum made at the
 White 'House conference yesterday., to the effect that if the Br.
itish should reach Tunis there was the possibility of a French
i~vitation to occupy North Africa.
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