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for the Joint Planning Committee subject to the insertion of the note recorded ab Ore.
                 SIR DUDLEY POUND suggested that one of the matters which might be discussed was the size of the Naval Forces available in the ABDA Area, and whether they were sufficient for the tasks they would encounter.
There was some discussion on this point in the course of which ADMIRAL KING pointed out that such a study would necessitate examination of
the Naval resources in other theatres.
                 It was stated that the Naval staffs were already at work on this, and it was finally agreed that this point should continue to be dealt with by them in direct consultation.
The Conference adjourned at 4:15 P.M.
Annex 1- American British Strategy: U.S.ABC 4/CS1 British WW-1.
         Annex 2 - Supporting Measures for the Southwest Pacific U.S,-ABC-4/3 British WW-4 with Telegram and 3 Annexes.
         Annex 3 - Directire To Supreme Commander in ABDA Area U.S.-ABC-4/5 British W-3 with 2 Annexes.
Annex 4 - Proposed Tasks for the Joint Planning Committee U.S. ABC-
4/4 British WW (JPC)4.
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