ADDRESS OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE WASHINGTON, D.C. DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON 0ctober 2,1935 In reply refer to PC My dear Miss LeHand: I am returning for the files of the White House the original of a letter from Mr. Henry T. Hackett to the President, concerning certain difficulties which have arisen in connection with the taking of testimony in Geneva, Switzerland, of the witnesses to the will of the late Augusta K. vanBenschoten, who died at Menton, France, on April 3, 1935. I am also enclosing a copy of the Department's reply to Mr. Hackett's letter, and feel sure that the information contained therein will enable him to decide upon the course of action which he will wish to adopt in the matter. Sincerely yours, For the Secretary of State: Enclosures- [R. Southgate] From Mr. Hackett, Richard Southgate, with Department' s Chief, Division of Protocol reply thereto. and Conferences. Miss Marguerite A. LeHand, Private Secretary to the President, The White House. |