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under a commission issued by an American court,
it is suggested that you may wish to consider the 
advisability of requesting a competent court in the 
United States to issue letters rogatory. Such 
letters rogatory may be directed "To the appropriate 
judicial authority inSwitzerland" and may be forwarded 
to the Department of State for transmission to their 
destination through the  diplomatic channel. The 
letters rogatory should be accompanied by a money 
order or by a certified check in the amount off sixty 
dollars ($60.00), drawn in favorof the Secretary of 
State of the United States, to cover the  costs incident 
to the execution thereof. Any unexpended balance, I am 
informed, after the deduction of actual costs, will be 
returned to you.
                    I trust that with this infformation 
you will be able to reach a decision as to the course 
you will wish to take in the matter.
                                 Sincerely yours,
                               Richard  Southgate,
                          Chief, Division of Protocol
                               and  Conferences.
     Letters of April 27,
       1925, and January 8,
       1927, from Swiss Federal
       Department off Justice
       and Police.
PC:MWB:JMD 9/26/35
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