~.~:VW: PC September 27 1935 My dear Mr. Hackett: Your letter of September 24, 1935, reached the President just as he was preparing to leave Washington. He instructed me to tell you that he is extremely sorry not to have the time to answer you personally and he re-quested that I furnish you with all available information regarding the points raised in your letter. I have taken the matter up with the appropriateofficer in the Department of State and have been informedby him that the Swiss law forbids the takingof depositicns of persons voluntarily appearing before consular officers. I am pleased to send on to you copies off two notes on this subject dated April 27, 1925 and January 8, 1927, received by the American Legation at Bern from the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police. In the circumstances, since Americanconsular officers in Switzerland are not competent to take testimony under Mr. Henry T. Hackett, 226 Union Street, Poughkeepsie, New York. |