Warm Springs, Ga., November 26, 1938. Dear Henry:- I very much wonder if there is somebody in Poughkeepsie who would be willing to organize a company for the purchase and subdivision of the whole of the Hulyer place. The amount of cash necessary would be comparatively small. I think $20,000 would do the whole thing including surveys for subdivision and putting in a few access roads so that prospective buyers could at least see the property. Under the new Federal Housing Administration methods the actual cost of building homes is reduced to a low figure and it is my thought that no lot of less than two acres would be sold to anyone -- in other words, a restricted, high-class development with land selling at about an average of $250 an acre. It would be necessary before anything was put through to make an agreement with the Town Board, including the assessors, that the unsold portion of the property would be kept at its present assessed value for say ten years, and that the town would put in the necessary highways through the property. Possible Hatfield, who seems to be an energetic sould,would be interested in a thing of this kind. |