Text Version

      One more thing I forgot to mention -- Pete Rohan 
wants to rent his former farm for another year. Will 
you send him the necessary extension?
      In reguard to the barn and shed buildings on the 
west side of Violet Avenue, I told Moses Smith that for 
the coming season at least he could use those buildings 
and the two fields. They will be very useful to him because,
as you know, I have taken a good deal of land away from 
his use by planting trees on it. He needs the extra 
pasture and crop land and he says he can use the barns for 
several cows as his barn is crowded. I do not know whether 
this will make any difference in the insurance or not but 
if it does you might send Moses Smith a letter stating you 
understand he will actively use the buildings and those 
two fields and take care of them. Smith says this will 
make it much easier for him to pay the rent he owes me!
                   As ever yours,
                   Franklin Roosevelt
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