Text Version

Dr. T. V. Soong,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Republic of China.
Dear Dr. Soongz:
     Will you please dispatch the following message promptly to
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek?
    I have received your special message handed to me by Dr. Soong
which I have given my careful consideration.
       First permit me to tell you that I am very grateful to you for
having sent General Hsuing Shih-Fei. The exceptional qualifications
which he possesses make him particularly valuable to our mutual cause.
      As you well know, we have attempted to our utmost power to build
an aerial supply line to you directly across British theaters of
operation in the Middle East and the Indian Ocean. This we have
done in the face of an extreme shortage of air transports badly needed
by our own troops. We have taken pursuit aircraft and artillery from
our own forces for supply to you.
      The recent changes brought about by enemy action have made it
necessary that our plans be revised to meet the rapidly changing
situation as to your supply from us. We are working with the aid of
Dr. Soong to estimate the supply possibilities and to effect necessary
             Prior to our entry into the War, a number of missions were es-
tablished in Washington by the Democratic governments of the world        
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