the Reich. In that case, of course, they then drop out also as items of expenditure of the Reich (see Table 2), Just as with the tax transfers entered under the civil expenditures of the Reich, in a financial and statistical investigation the expenditures of a profitable nature that are in the Reich budget must be deducted from the civil expenditures and adjusted with the corresponding income items. While some of the Reich revenue derived from trading capital, such as, for example, the carrying of the Reich mall or a share in the net profit of the Reichsbank appear in the budget of the Reich only as net yield (principle of the- net budget), other, namely the receipts from minting and from the "other trading capital" are entered as gross receipts, against which are placed the corresponding expendi- tures. In the fiscal year 1938 there were 79.9 million RM so entered from minting and 511.4 million RM from "other trad ing capital ", In the fiscal year 1939 the corresponding sums amounted to 27.8 million RM from minting and 662.3 million RM from "other trading capital". These items of expenditure entirely different from the expenditures of the civil administrative authorities. They are, no different from the productive outlays of private enterprise, national costs, while the real administrative expenditure of a public character is a binding or a consumption of the national |