-16- In connection with these figures it is to be noted that the tax and customs revenue is the gross amount collected, ana hence that the tax transfers ana the tax coupons (Steuergutscheine) have not yet been deducted from them. There are also among the "other general budget revenue ", That is, among the earned revenue and other general means of covering, as in the two preceding years, some gross amounts, against which there are corresponding debit entries. These expenditures must first be set off against the receipts. The contribution of the German Railways, an item of about 200 million RM, which in this study is calcu- lated among the tax revenues, is contained in the preliminary estimate of the Reich Minister of Finance in the "other gen- eral budget revenue ". Hence, including the Reich Railways contribution, the above preliminary estimate of the revenue from taxes and customs amounts to about 21.9 billion RM, while that for the other general budget revenue amounts to about 1.3 billion RM without this contribution. For the tax transfers to the States and Communes, a diminution of about 100 million RM for the fiscal year 1940 is to be counted on, corresponding to the estimated return of the total receipts in Reich taxes and customs. In addition, the diminuition in the transfers to States based on the Second Law on Financial Measures in the Domain of |