- 32 - the States and the Communes, as they are to a greater or less extent compensated by the contracting of new debts. Only the additional means of credit claimed by the public authorities (that is, the assumption of debt less the amortization) is a claim against the national income, while only a shifting of portions of the national wealth is involved in connection with the amounts which are paid off through amortization. In so far as the State and Communes amortized more debts than they assumed new ones during the past fiscal years, the margin of credit that was released became of practical benefit to the Reich. In the same way, account should be taken of the reserves of the Communes, accumulated during the recent fiscal years by order of the Reich, since they too have lightened the debt of the Reich either indirectly, by investment in Reich obligations, or directly, by reliev- ing the capital market. So amortization of debt and formation of reserves by public bodies would, unless sub- tracted from the corrected total for thelr expenditures, lead to duplicate figures in the same way as would be the caae with regard to non-deduction of tax transfers in the budget Of the units making the transfers. While data, or at least estimates, are available for the amortization of debts by the Reich, the States and the Communes |