- 39 - In the "general budget disbursements" for the fiscal year 1939 there were agaln chiefly payments to the offices pro- viding annuity insurance, to the Special Fund for Marriage Loans and Bonuses for Children, to the Reich Auto Roads and to the Reich budget. A payment of 8.6 billion RM was again made also to the sick benefit offices for collection of contributions. In addition, the Reich Institution formed a reserve of 41.7 million RM in the fiscal year 1939, at the order of the Reich, which, like the reserves formed by the Communes, was to benefit the credit of the Reich and therefore must be left out of consideration, on the same ground as the former. The same is true, besides, of the surpluses which the Reich Institution achieved in the two fiscal years 1938 and 1939 despite the high "general budget expenditures". Means for the Reich credit were to be pro- vided by them likewise. Thus in the fiscal year 1939 only ihe special disbursements of the Reich Institution, in the amount of 439 million RM, which apply to the territory of the Reich extended by Austria and the Sudetenland, need be observed that from the fiscal 1939 on the administrative costs of unemployment relief are entered in the form of administrative reimbursement for the budget of the Reich Ministry of Labor; that is, it is already contained in |